2003, Bill Basch

Bill Basch was a teenage courier for Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest who distributed Schutz-Pässe to Jews in hiding. He was captured and sent to concentration camps. He endured and survived to become a successful businessman in Los Angeles.

2002, Kailash Satyarthi

Kailash Satyarthi

One person can make a difference—in any culture, at any time. More than twenty years ago a young engineer gave up a lucrative career and dedicated himself to reclaiming the lives of South Asia’s most vulnerable population: the millions of children who are exploited and abused in a form of modern-day slavery.

1999, John Lewis

“If anyone had told me that one day I would be standing here receiving this great honor, this great medal…as a member of Congress, I would have said, ‘You’re crazy!’” John Lewis, ninth Wallenberg Medalist, told his audience at Rackham Auditorium in January 2000.

1996, Marion Pritchard

Marion Pritchard protected the lives of 150 Dutch Jews—most of them children—during World War II, using whatever means were at hand. “By 1945 I had lied, stolen, cheated, deceived and even killed,” she told the audience assembled in Rackham Auditorium for the seventh Wallenberg Lecture in October 1996. She emphasized that she did not work…

1995, Per Anger

In 1944, Per Anger worked with Raoul Wallenberg to save the Jews of Budapest and witnessed Wallenberg’s extraordinary actions. Anger dedicated much of his life to learning the truth about Wallenberg’s disappearance 1945.

1994, Miep Gies

Miep Gies reading the incoming letters, June 2001. Photo by Bettina Flitner.

Gies sheltered Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis in Amsterdam during World War II. She came to international attention after the posthumous publication of Frank’s diary.